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About Mongolia
About Mongolia
Development projects
Development projects
One Billion Trees
One Billion Trees
President of Mongolia at the UNGA 79
First National Forum of Mongolian Translators
To the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Germany
Art & Culture
ТОДРУУЛГА: “Олон улсын хүүхдийн эрхийг хамгаалах өдөр”-т зориулсан баярын дугаар
2023-06-01 12:57:30
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The Trade and Development Bank JSC Recognized as the “Best Corporate Bank of 2024” by Euromoney Magazine
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Mongolia and Germany Agree to Convert Debt into Public Health Investments
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First Tariff Wage Network in the Cashmere Sector to be Introduced to Mongolia
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Trade & Development Bank Brings Apple Pay to Customers
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Over 50 Mongolian Companies Received the “Women Owned” Certification Label
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Mongolian Athletes Bring Home 80 Out of 90 Medals at the World Memory Championships
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Photo Exhibition Displaying the Wonders of the Philippines Opens in Mongolia
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Photo Exhibition Displaying the Wonders of the Philippines Opens in Mongolia
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Major Ulaanbaatar Projects Presented to Attract Chinese Investment and Cooperation
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17-Year-Old Mongolian Judoka Claims Bronze at Tokyo Grand Slam
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Mongolian "Moon Dance" Wins Bronze Medal at the 2024 WDSF World Championship Formation Latin
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This Week in Mongolia
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Prime Minister of Mongolia Calls for Countries to Unite Against Desertification Under the Theme “One for All, All for One”
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Mongolian Culture Center Opens at the University of Parma
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Mongolia and the UAE Exchange Views on Expanding Bilateral Relations and Cooperation
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Finest Works from the XVIII-XX Centuries on Display
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“Norovbanzad Namjil” Commemorative Silver Coin Now on the Market
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Meet the Mongolian Judokas to Compete at the Tokyo 2024 Grand Slam
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Two New Products Launched on Mongolian Stock Exchange
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Prime Minister of Mongolia Addresses One Water Summit
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Drones to be Manufactured in Mongolia Using South Korean Technology
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Today is the International Day of Persons with Developmental Challenges
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Prime Minister of Mongolia Meets Under-Secretary-General of the UNCCD
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Mongolia to Host Dota 2 Tournament with a Prize Pool of USD 100,000
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Prime Minister of Mongolia Calls for Countries to Unite Against Desertification Under the Theme “One for All, All for One”
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The Play “Mongol Khan” Set for Japan Tour in 2025
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Prime Minister of Mongolia on Working Visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates
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This Week in Mongolia
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National Conference on the Development and Participation of Persons with Developmental Challenges Held
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UN Resident Coordinator for Mongolia Awarded the “Friendship” Medal
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UN Resident Coordinator for Mongolia Awarded the “Friendship” Medal
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Ki-Chul Oh: Nowhere In the World Has the Average Air Temperature Increased by More Than Two Degrees Celsius Except in Mongolia
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Policy for Housing Young Families and Ensuring Social Protection Presented
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National Trauma and Orthopedic Research Center of Mongolia to Collaborate With Hanoi Medical University Hospital
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Mongolia and Australia Enter into Negotiations on Social Security Agreement
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Ichinkhorloo Bayarkhuu: The National Library of Mongolia is the Repository of Intellectual Heritage, and Mongol Knowledge and Wisdom
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Mongolia Marks the Centennial of the Proclamation of the Mongolian People’s Republic and the Adoption of the First Constitution
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Mongolian Peacekeepers Awarded State Decorations for South Sudan Mission
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Trade & Development Bank Brings Apple Pay to Customers
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ADB and Xacbank Sign USD 50 Million Deal to Boost Climate and MSME Financing in Mongolia
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Photo Exhibition Displaying the Wonders of the Philippines Opens in Mongolia
4 days
Mongolia and Germany Agree to Convert Debt into Public Health Investments
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Over 50 Mongolian Companies Received the “Women Owned” Certification Label
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Mongolia to Intensify Bilateral Relations and Cooperation with the Kingdom of Bahrain
5 days
This Week in Mongolia
5 days
17-Year-Old Mongolian Judoka Claims Bronze at Tokyo Grand Slam
5 days
The Trade and Development Bank JSC Recognized as the “Best Corporate Bank of 2024” by Euromoney Magazine
3 days
Major Ulaanbaatar Projects Presented to Attract Chinese Investment and Cooperation
4 days
Ichinkhorloo Bayarkhuu: The National Library of Mongolia is the Repository of Intellectual Heritage, and Mongol Knowledge and Wisdom
Akim Gotov: Mongol Scholars Stand at the Roots of the Modern Translation Theory
Exclusive Interview with President of Slovenia by MONTSAME
Finest Works from the XVIII-XX Centuries on Display
Cultural Expo Opens, Offering a Multitude of Entertainment
Mongolian Artists Works on Display for the Selection of the Best Works of the Year
Photo Exhibition Displaying the Wonders of the Philippines Opens in Mongolia
Prime Minister of Mongolia Calls for Countries to Unite Against Desertification Under the Theme “One for All, All for One”
UN Resident Coordinator for Mongolia Awarded the “Friendship” Medal
Mongolian Athletes Bring Home 80 Out of 90 Medals at the World Memory Championships
17-Year-Old Mongolian Judoka Claims Bronze at Tokyo Grand Slam
Mongolian "Moon Dance" Wins Bronze Medal at the 2024 WDSF World Championship Formation Latin
MONTSAME News Agency, C.P.O Box 1514, B.Jigjidjav St-8, Chingeltei dist, Ulaanbaatar-15160, Mongolia,
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