Schools and kindergartens welcome over 800 thousand children

2016-09-02 15:55:14

The three months summer vacation has ended and the new academic year of 2016-2017 has begun. On Thursday, Prime Minister J.Erdenebat attended the opening ceremony of a new school year held in the secondary school #7 in the suburban district of Ulaanbaatar and extended his greetings. He

remembered that he completed the first and second grades of this school and that the school was on almost uninhabited hill and was named the Workers’ District School.

He informed that the newly formed government is going to submit the draft of program on educational sector to the Parliament. Improving access to the preschool education and general education institutions are the most important objectives of this program, Prime Minister added.

Across the country some 255 thousand children are attending more than 1,300 kindergartens, 561.6 thousand pupils are attending secondary general education schools, 164 thousand students are attending colleges and universities and 10.1 thousand students are attending 308 lifetime learning centers. Among them there are, 69 thousand first-graders.


- Attending school is fun. I like my schoolbag very much. It is interesting to put various things in it. I want to make a lot of friends. I do not exactly know who is going to be my desk partner.
- I received several training on personal development. Responsibilities have become higher as my grade advances. I would love to make my parents happy by being an excellent student.
- I have played outside very often. Sometimes, my mom would scold me for not doing summer homework. However, she took me to many places because I have cast in a movie.
- What movie was it?
- I have played the main role of “Nuden Sondor” movie.  It was very hard to stand outside in the morning cold. My favorite part is the part where dad and I have played with bubbles. Please, watch my movie.
