Industrial production increases

2015-10-12 18:56:45

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The industrial production index (seasonally adjusted) in September of 2015 was 140.8 (2010=100). It increased 12.8 percent against the previous month, by 3.4 percent over the beginning of the year and by 21.4 percent over the same period of 2014. 

In the mining and quarrying sectors, mining products such as coal, crude oil, molybdenum concentrate, copper concentrate and gold increased by 6.6-28.8 percent; the production of goods such as vacuum windows and doors, felt, cement, sausage, book, pure water, camel wool blanket, railway sleeper, beer, combed down wool, soft drinks, and cathode copper went up 5.6 percent-7.4 times in the manufacturing sector agains the same period of the previous year. However, the production of mining products such as fluorspar concentrate, iron ore and zinc concentrate decreased by 5.0-41.9 percent against the same period of 2014.

In the manufacturing sector, a production of products such as buuz, dumpling, carpet, liquid medicine, articles of iron concrete, spirit, bakery products, sawn wood, milk, bread, knitted goods, lime, alcoholic beverage, wheat flour highest grade, metal steel, metal foundries, cigarettes, wooden doors and windows, steel casting and of electric declined 0.2-66.2 percent.

Construction and capital repairs in the first nine months of 2015 decreased MNT 212.4 billion or 13.6 percent against the same period of 2014 due to a decrease of 146.5 billion Togrog or 10.1 percent in the works done by the domestic construction entities. 


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