Transport of 2015 in figures

2015-11-23 18:39:55

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ In the first 10 months of 2015, 15658.2 thousand tons of freight and 2382.5 thousand passengers (double counting) were carried by railway transport. Compared to same period of the previous year, the carried freight decreased by 1392.7 thousand tons or 8.2 percent and the number of carried passengers by 461.8 thousand people or 16.2 percent.

The revenue from railway transport in the first 10 months of this year reached MNT 318.9 billion, reflected a decrease of MNT 30.1 billion or 8.6 percent compared to the same period of 2014.

In the same reporting period, 2360.6 tons of freight and 532.0 thousand passengers (double counting) were carried by air transport.

Compared to the same period of the previous year, carried freight decreased by 553.2 tons or 19.0 percent and carried passengers -- by 56.8 thousand people or 9.6 percent.

The revenue of air transport reached MNT 217.3 billion, increasing by MNT 6.4 billion or 3.0 percent against the same period of the previous year, reports the National Statistics Office.