Export decreases due to commodities price fall

2016-01-25 17:09:15

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ According to the Bank of Mongolia (BoM), the share of mineral exports in total exports declined by two percent from that of the previous year.

Exports of coal, copper concentrate, iron ore and concentrate and crude oil have a weight of nearly 74 percent of total exports and 85 percent of mining exports.

In addition, these four products’ share in the mining exports decreased by 3.0 points, and in total exports – by 4.0 points against 2014.

As of December, 2015, Mongolian export decreased by 1,105.1 million USD from that of the previous year. It is affected by the increase of export commodities quantities (USD 76.6 million) and decrease in export commodities prices (SUD 181.7 million).