Tourism sector in 2015

2016-01-25 17:25:09

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ A number of border passers reached 4,859.3 thousand in 2015 by duplicated counting, indicating a 504.2 thousand or 11.6% increase against 2014.

In 2015, some 37 percent of the total passengers passed through the border checkpoint of Zamyn-Uud, 16.6%--through Altanbulag, 16.5%--through the checkpoint at the “Chingis Khaan” international airport, 6.7%--through Gashuunsukhait, 5.4%--through Shiveekhuren, and 17.4--other border checkpoints.

In the same period, 467.2 thousand foreigners entered the borders of Mongolia, showing a decline of 38.5 thousand or 7.6% against 2014. A majority of them (82.1%) travelled Mongolia for up to 30 days, 3.3% of them--for 90 days, and 14.6% of them--for above 90 days.

Some 82 percent of the foreigners visited for tours, 81.0 thousand or 17.3%--for working, studying  or for permanent residence.

Against the same period of 2014, a number of tourists from Malaysia increased 20.6%, from Chinese Taipei and from Ukraine--16.9%, from Canada--by 15.6%, whereas a number of tourists from China decreased 8.0%, from Australia—by 6.1%, and from Germany--5.9%.

In 2015, some 68% of the total foreigners who entered the Mongolian borders were from East Asia and Pacific regions, 25.7%--from Europe, 4.2%--from America, and 1.6%--from Middle East, South Asia and Africa.

Some 46% of the total travelers were from China, 15.7%--from Russia, 10.5%--from South Korea, 4.2%--from Japan, 3.3%--from the USA, 3.2%--from Kazakhstan, and 17.0--from other countries.

In 2015, 1,975.7 thousand Mongolians (duplicated counting) visited other countries, 1,642.8 thousand or 83.2% of them travelled for personal matters. In addition, 1,815.7 vehicles passed through our state borders, which is an increase of 77.5 thousand or 4.5% against 2014.

Some 38% of the total vehicles were automobiles, 34.6%--trucks, 24.0%--freight trains and 2.7%--others.