Gini coefficient in first quarter of 2016

2016-05-15 20:13:50

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The gini coefficient which indicates the income distribution of a nation's residents and inequality was 0.338 nationwide in first quarter of this year.

It was 0.343 in Ulaanbaatar which is higher by 0.005 units than the national average; 0.333--in central region, 0.331--in western region, 0320--in Khangai region, and 0.311--in eastern region, which are lower by 0.005-0.027 units than the national average.

The tail index which estimates inequality within and between groups in different sizes of incomes was 0.205 nationwide in 1st quarter of 2016 which increased by 0.034 units against the previous year.

In the period, the smallest income-group accounted for 7.7% of total consumption nationwide, whereas the wealthiest group--41.3%. It means the average size of consumption by the wealthiest group (20% of population) is higher by 5.4 times than the least wealthy group.