Zuunburen Soum Farmer Bolortuya Sets Record in Garlic Harvest

2023-08-30 17:47:13

Ulaanbaatar, August 30, 2023 /MONTSAME/. The harvesting is in full swing in Selenge aimag, the agrarian region and birthplace of arable farming in Mongolia. D. Bolortuya, a vegetable farmer from Zuunburen soum of Selenge aimag, is one of the 200 farmers in the province. Bolortuya once met the criteria for The Best National Vegetable Farmer, as she planted three tons of onion seeds of a new variety, harvested 113 tons of onions, and sold 108 tons to the market. Zuunburen soum, where she lives, leads not only the aimag but also the country with its onion and garlic planting. This year, Bolortuya planted 700 kg of garlic on a total area of 800 square meters, commencing the sowing on April 25.

“This year, the overall precipitation was high. I expect to get a big harvest of garlic. We have not used any chemical substance,” resumes Bolortuya. 

Zuunburen soum is famous for its white garlic. Besides onions and garlic, Bolortuya also planted watermelons, carrots, and pumpkins. In previous years, she planted 100 kg of garlic but this year she has planted 700 kg, setting a historical record. Garlic requires a lot of water, so it grows very well if it is well watered, cared for and freed from weeds. Bolortuya will start harvesting garlic from September 15.

“My rough estimation suggests that one garlic bulb will produce 100 grams of garlic. I will start harvesting from mid-September and sell it to the market. The soum has estimated the crop yield preliminarily. From the time I started planting garlic, it grew very well, and this year we will reap a bountiful harvest”.      

The yield of coarse vegetables, as the farmers say, - onions, carrots and potatoes - did not catch up with the harvest of the previous years. It is not the fault of the vegetable farmers, but up to natural factors. For example, since onions are hollow and light, there is a high risk of leaning due to wind. Whereas, garlic is not hollow inside, it is firm and solid, so it is less prone to wind and recovers faster. Garlic and watermelon are planted only by hand.

“Vegetables grow well if there is no weed. From the very start, I fertilize vegetables with animal manure. The more dung you put the sparser soil becomes. Manure has been hugely used in fertilizing”, concludes Bolortuya.

The Best National Vegetable Farmer D. Bolortuya has devoted 14 years of her life to increase the yield of vegetable per hectare, introduce new varieties, and provide people with healthy, safe and up-to-quality food, strictly following relevant norms and standards.