Mongolian and Canadian Lawmakers to Cooperate in Strengthening Good Governance

2024-09-23 14:26:20

Ulaanbaatar, September 23, 2024 /MONTSAME/. On September 20, 2024, Member of the State Great Khural (Parliament), Chairman of the Standing Committee on Justice Tsogtbaatar Damdin received representatives of the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians. 

At the meeting, Member of Parliament Tsogtbaatar Damdin welcomed the honorable guests and emphasized that the foundation of cooperation between Mongolia and Canada, two countries that share common values such as the rule of law, human rights, and democracy, lies in the multilateral inter-parliamentary relations. MP Tsogtbaatar highlighted that Canada, Mongolia’s third neighbor in North America, is not only a partner in mining, economy, and industry, but also plays an important role in promoting good governance and shaping parliamentary democracy. 

Furthermore, Mr. Tsogtbaatar underscored the importance of continuity in policy and system stability for reinforcing democratic institutions. He expressed gratitude that, through the Association, former parliamentarians are exchanging knowledge and experiences across the sectors and expanding the scope of cooperation between countries. Secretary of the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians Bryon Wilfert praised Mongolia’s commitment to upholding human rights, freedom, and the rule of law and expressed willingness to support the implementation of initiatives for social development. 

Participants of the meeting noted the rapid expansion of cooperation between the two legislative bodies in recent years and discussed key concepts within the framework of the legal reforms introduced by the newly formed parliament of Mongolia. During the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the possibility of establishing a voluntary association with similar goals of the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians, based on the initiatives and involvement of the generations of Mongolian parliamentarians. 

The Canadian delegation included Bryon Wilfert, Secretary of the Canadian Association of Former Parliamentarians, Honorary Consul of Mongolia in Toronto, along with other representatives of former parliamentarians with expertise in socio-economic sectors such as human rights, youth leadership, gender equality, and environment.  

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