Ukraine calls for sanctions against Russian state companies

2015-10-01 16:39:07

Мr Igor Popov, member of Ukrainian parliament has made the following statement. He  took part in the Autumn session  of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s (OSCE) Parliamentary Assembly which was held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on Wednesday and Thursday.

“We ask international community to continue economic sanctions against Russian state companies and some semi-state Russian companies.

We see that these economic sanctions push Russian leadership for peace negotiations and for peace agreement and after achievement of peace in Ukraine, we are sure that our international partners would cancel such international sanctions.

Moreover, we ask international community to keep sanctions against some personalities who are responsible for such a big war in Europe. I would like to use this opportunity to ask OSCE for big crucial role in peace process in Ukraine. 

OSCE keeps several hundred people in special monitoring mission in the area of war and they check, verify and document all the war crimes in our country. Here we ask member states to continue activities of special monitoring mission of the OSCE in Ukraine. Also OSCE representative works as mediator in Minsk peace process and OSCE special representatives participate in all the meetings in Minsk. Such important and very useful famous organization is in neutral platform for all organizations.

Here in Ulaanbaatar, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly allowed us to hold direct meeting with Russian delegation, and we met with OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Mr Kanerva, Secretary General Mr Spencer Oliver. We exchanged our opinions about peace process in Ukraine and I am sure that useful for general achievement of peace”.  
