Ambassador of Laos presents diplomatic credentials
视频The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Lao People's Democratic Republic to Mongolia Mr Sialungon Seng-Uton Friday presented his diplomatic credentials to the President Mr Elbegdorj.
At the meeting after the presentation ceremony, Mr Sialungon expressed his satisfaction with being appointed as the Ambassador to Mongolia and said he will do all his best to boost the Mongolia-Laos traditional friendly relations.
Talking about forthcoming parliamentary election of Mongolia and the 11th ASEM Summit in Ulaanbaatar, Mr Sialungon emphasized that he became the Ambassador to Mongolia in coincidence of these biggest events, and underlined a vital role of his position in keeping the traditional cooperation in economy, trade, agriculture and education.
President Mr Elbegdorj wished big success to the newly-appointed Ambassador of Laos.