Prime Minister Issues Directive to Intensify Economic Growth

2024-10-23 18:28:35

Ulaanbaatar, October 23, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Prime Minister of Mongolia has issued a directive to intensify economic growth within the framework of the implementation of projects and actions reflected in the "New Revival Policy" and the Government's Action Program for 2024-2028.

Members of the Government, Governors of aimags, and the Capital were tasked to develop strategies and plans in the directions of digitization, artificial intelligence, and technology transition; green transition; and human resource transfer in their respective fields and regions within the scope of their responsibility.

In this context, Minister of Mongolia and Chief Cabinet Secretary Uchral Nyam-Osor was assigned to call on all government institutions to contribute to the acceleration of economic growth, present the plans and strategies on the national and sector levels formulated by the relevant government officials, at the Cabinet meeting of the first week of January 2025, and hold relevant Members of Government and government officials to account according to laws and regulations if they fail to fulfill their tasks or fulfill insufficiently. 

Minister of Mongolia, Chairman of the National Committee for Monitoring and Evaluation Odbayar Erdenebileg was tasked with monitoring the implementation of the directive.
