Ulaanbaatar to Subsidize Heating Systems in Green Zones to Improve Air Quality
Ulaanbaatar, March 10, 2025 /MONTSAME/. On March 8, 2025, Governor of the Capital City and Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Nyambaatar Khishgee informed the members of the Performance Monitoring Unit regarding the draft regulation for the installation of electric heaters and gas-powered appliances in households of the ger areas located in the air quality improvement zones and provision of the price incentives for their use.
The Governor of the Capital City noted, “Following the directives of the Performance Monitoring Unit, the Citizens’ Representative Khural of the Capital City is preparing to issue a resolution on establishing boundaries of Ulaanbaatar’s green zones and providing price incentives. The second air quality improvement zone will cover 100 thousand households in Bayankhoshuu, Tolgoit, Doloon Buudal, and Amgalan areas. In the first phase, 30 thousand households will be included. Participation will be voluntary, offering households a choice. Eligible households will install the devices and benefit from the price incentives. They will be required to reduce heat loss and eliminate the use of solid fuels.”
The initiative will involve gradually connecting households in the green zones to all types of gas, electricity, renewable energy, and energy sources. The regulation of incentives is expected to increase energy savings and reduce air pollution caused by ger areas by 55.6 to 20.8 percent. In connection with the presentation, the members of the Performance Monitoring Unit exchanged views on launching an insulation campaign, gathering information on insulation solutions, connecting households to gas, and introducing blue coal into the market.
Prime Minister of Mongolia Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai instructed the Working Group led by Chairman of the Cabinet Secretariat Uchral Nyam-Osor to present the revised draft Law on the Procurement of Goods, Services, and Works with State and Local Property at every Cabinet meeting. The Premier also instructed the relevant ministers to provide support, noting that the law had previously been returned to the Parliament after being accompanied by a related law. It will now be reintroduced independently, and the Prime Minister emphasized the need for careful handling and approval during the spring session of the Parliament. Additionally, Prime Minister Oyun-Erdene directed the preparation of detailed information on the impact of blue coal on reducing air pollution and its implementation, which will be presented at the next meeting of the Performance Monitoring Unit.