Traditional Mongol-Czech Cooperation Ongoing

2023-09-20 10:18:21

Ulaanbaatar, September 20, 2023 /MONTSAME/. On the territory of Bayantsagaan soum of Tuv aimag there is a joint venture company MongolCzech Metal LLC which is engaged in fluorspar mining.

Annually, this company exports 100-150 thousand tons of fluorspar. For the purpose of utilizing mineral raw materials without waste, they are currently working towards building a concentrator plant with a capacity of processing 100-150 thousand tons of ore per annum adjacent to the fluorspar extraction plant.   

The biggest advantage of the concentrator underway lies in that more than 80 percent of the water used in the industry is treated and reused, and it does not release any industrial waste into the environment.

In addition, dry waste from the factory can be mixed with other minerals to produce construction materials to meet local needs. More than 100 new work places will be created upon the commissioning and full operation of the concentrator plant.