Mongolian Teachers and Health Education Specialists Study the Experience of Japan

2024-10-01 11:46:27

Ulaanbaatar, October 1, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Biology Department of the Mongolian State University of Education and the Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences jointly launched the “Training Teachers and Health Education Specialists” program for the school year 2024-2025. This program is implemented as part of the “Healthy Mongolian” National Campaign initiated by the President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa and the Minister of Education of Mongolia Naranbayar Purevsuren’s 2024 resolution A/147.

The new teachers and health education specialists will not only teach health classes but also play the role of health advocators to implement the school’s health policy, reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods, and promote healthy lifestyles and living environment to the teachers and students.

As part of the Program, specialists and teachers of the Ministry of Health of Mongolia, Mongolian State University of Education, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, Mongolian University of Humanities, Mongolian National University of Arts and Culture, Mongolian National Center of Public Health, and the Mongolian Health Development Center got acquainted with the operations of health specialists in Japanese schools and kindergartens and learned their experiences. Also, the participants of the program learned about the Japanese media training on improving health education.

In Mongolia, 21 percent of the total population are children under 9 years of age and children 10-19 years old make up around 15 percent. Due to late preventative health measures, teenagers and the youth are developing non-infectious chronic health disorders. Compared to other countries, the rate of teeth infections, tonsil inflammations, minor eyesight difficulties, and overweight problems is higher in Mongolia.

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