Mongolia is rich in Bronze Age artifacts

2016-05-12 17:37:58

Bronze Age artifacts which are earliest evidences of the human civilization are widely found in the territory of Mongolia. The National Museum of History in Ulaanbaatar has opened an exhibition displaying archeological findings found in the territory of Dundgobi province.

The ethnography museum of the province which has initiated the exhibition keeps roughly 700 artifacts belonging to 3-1 thousand years BC or to the Bronze Age. The rarest and unique exhibits are being displayed for the city residents. Images and shapes of various animals prevail in embellishments and items of the Bronze Age.

Imaginary Animals were dominating in prehistoric arts widely spread in Eurasia which is evident from the artifacts. A belt buckle, pendant and different kinds of staffs belong to many different ages. The most ancient one dates back to 1 thousand уears BC whereas others were created later. Bronze pendants and bronze knives of various shapes are among those artifacts which are widely found in Mongolia.

Although the bronze knives have almost same shapes as those found in our neighboring countries, there are casts and carpenter tools found in a large number in our country evidencing that ancient Mongols were making the items by their own. A broad range of arrowheads catch eyes of visitors assuring them that ancient nomads of Central Asia were mastering archery.
