Russian journalists remark Mongolia’s rapid development

2016-05-26 12:01:26

Although Mongolia has 95 years’ history of friendship with Russia, the ties had been weakening in all spheres since 1990. However, one of the indications that steps have been made for better is the cooperation between the journalists of two countries. Last week saw the successful completion of a forum of Mongolian and Russian journalists in Ulaanbaatar, as a revival of long-time friendship.

A.A.Barkov, a director of All-Russia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK) in Kaluga:

“I would like to thank Mongolian side for organizing this forum. However, re-boosting of our ties could be a bit sooner, it is better late than never. Using this opportunity, journalists from the two countries shared opinions on ways to report factual news about each other’s country”

Rinchinova Olga, a deputy director of VGRTK in Irkutsk:

“Mongolia is developing rapidly. Speed of growth is not so visible in Russia, because of such a large territory. The situation is the contrary in Mongolia. We arrived in Erdenet city today. It feels just like home because, as I heard, this city was built by russians. This is the true historic evidence of the two countries’ friendly relations, I reckon”

The guests visited the Erdenet plant, Mongolia-Russian joint venture. After getting au fait with the plant operations and getting to know about its yield to Mongolia’s economy, they preferred Erdenet over the western-managed OyuTolgoi. Erdenet is now a home to more than 100 thousand people, and accommodates Erdenet Carpet factory and medical and diagnostic center, equipped with  latest technology.

Eduard Istomin, a director of VGRTK in Volga:  I've known Mongolia since my childhood. I'm visiting Mongolia for the first time, and I really enjoy it. I appreciate restoration of our traditional relations. We say seeing is believing. I'm very excited to write about Mongolia what I've seen

“The journalists were given abundance of opportunity to get to know Mongolia’s modern development, history and traditions. It was a pleasant occasion to visit the 300 and more years old Amarbayasgalant Monastery,  and to view the Mongolian religious culture and national architecture. There, the guests prayed and took part in religious rites. Impressions of the Russian journalists and their travel notes will be the foundation of a bridge to more friendly ties between the two countries”
