Gobi-Altai local museum displays variety of exhibits
Art & Culture
Gobi-Altai /MONTSAME/ Gobi-Altai aimag Local Museum preserves over 2500 exhibits and antiques in its halls of Minerals, Nature-geography, History-ethnicity, Religion, Traditional crafts, ‘Patriots’ and Ch.Lodoidamba.
One of the rare exhibits of the museum is a saddle which was used by Galdan Boshugtu Khaan during the 17th century. According to the archival information, a citizen of Sharga soum of Gobi-Altai aimag presented the saddle to the museum in 1956. Before presenting the saddle, the family had used and inherited the saddle from generation to generation. The verge of the saddle’s gold pommel and cantle is silver cast and have gilded decorations with wave pattern. A myth tells that there was a ‘sea’ in the territory of Sharga soum and therefore wave pattern and fish were featured on the saddle.

In 1986, an exhibition hall named after twice State Prize laureate writer Ch.Lodoidamba was established at the initiative of his wife and children and in accordance with the decision of local authorities of that time with an aim to honor and promote the author and his contribution to young generation. In the exhibition hall of Ch.Lodoidamba, stuffs he used such as piano, handwritten novel ‘Tungalag tamir’, identification card of Deputy Minister of Culture, sunglasses, watch and pen are on display.
The museum was established in 1947 named as a Local studies department and it was expanded as the museum in accordance with the resolution No.10 of the Ministry of Culture in 1967.