Mongolia Holds First National Committee Session on the Sovereign Wealth Fund and Housing

2024-11-20 16:25:23

Ulaanbaatar, November 20, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The First Session of the National Committee on the Sovereign Wealth Fund and Housing took place in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia on November 19, 2024. 

Participants of the Session discussed a wide range of issues related to the Sovereign Wealth Fund and housing, including their current state, completed works, national housing policy, urban planning, infrastructure, mortgage loans, and other measures. In Mongolia, 30 percent of households reside in residential apartments while 70 percent live in houses and gers without full access to engineering infrastructure and networks. Among these, 273,736 households live in Ulaanbaatar, 144,308 in aimag centers, and 295,775 reside in soum centers.

As part of the Housing Policy funded by the Savings Fund of the Sovereign Wealth Fund, Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, Prime Minister of Mongolia and Head of the National Committee for the Sovereign Wealth Fund and Housing, instructed the relevant Government members and National Committee members to implement the following measures by January 15, 2025: 

  • To formulate legal documents related to the implementation of the Law on National Housing and the Housing Policy, and submit them to the State Great Khural of Mongolia, 

  • To develop policies and strategy maps for housing citizens and promoting young families, update the mortgage loan financing system, 

  • To reform the funding system of mortgage loans, make a plan to increase its sources,

  • To approve and implement standards and models for residential apartments and green housing, create conditions for granting mortgage loans to residential apartments, and make necessary regulations, 

  • To enhance power and heat supply sources required for the implementation of the National Housing Plan, develop and implement a Plan for line expansion,

  • To develop a plan for land acquisition, re-planning ger districts of the Capital City with state and local funds, construction of infrastructure in aimags, and present it to the Head of the National Committee.

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