Ulaanbaatar Investment 2016 forum approaches

2016-01-06 15:59:59

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/  The second in the consecutive year "Ulaanbaatar Investment" Forum is to take place this January 20. The organizers are the Mayor’s Office and the Ulaanbaatar Chamber of Commerce.

The event attracts lawmakers, ministers, diplomats, citizens’ representatives, local administrators, members of UB chamber of commerce, international organization reps, national wealth-makers and investors.

It aims to promote the capital city’s economic growth, protection of businesspeople, development of public-private partnership (PPP), and a creation of favorable for investments and businesses environment. 

Key speeches will be given themed Ulaanbaatar partnership, PPP, economic strategies, investment programs, procurement, “glass” tenders (ensuring transparency), and on programs “Friendly Ulaanbaatar” and “Smart Ulaanbaatar”.