Speaker M.Enkhbold extend greetings to 27th POLA Summit attendees

2016-07-21 11:18:28

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The 27th Summit of the Presidents of Law Associations in Asia commenced on July 21. On this occasion, Chairman of the State Great Khural M.Enkhbold delivered greetings to the participants on Thursday, wished the international delegates a convenient stay in Mongolia and expressed gratitude.

It is deeply appreciated that the Mongolian Lawyers’ Association is hosting such a major international event of the regional law organization, joined by 30 leaders of the lawyers’ associations of 23 Asian countries, although the Mongolian Association itself was established only about 3 years ago, noted the Speaker.

This year’s POLA Summit has chosen topics, which draw international and public attentions, such as “Independence of Constitutional Courts: Role of Lawyers and Law Associations” and “Mining and Improving Legal Capacity and Human Rights” for the agenda. “I am confident that the 27th POLA Summit will make progress and have positive outcomes in raising awareness of the public about human rights’ violation issues in the regions and on protection of the collective legal interests.”, he said. 

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