2-meter-tall Mongolian joins Miyagino stable
Ulaanbaatar /MONSTAME/ Mongolian sumo wrestler E.Davaaninj was the highlight of a fitness test for new recruits held in Osaka, Japan on February 29, sports journalist M.Sugar-Erdene reports.
The 18-year-old, 2m tall rookie wrestler who joined the Miyagino stable was one of the 45 new recruits at the event.
Raised in Japan, Davaaninj
enrolled in Tottori Johoku High School, the alma mater of numerous prominent
sumo wrestlers, on Hakuho M.Davaajargal’s recommendation. His teacher is
R.Gantugs, who have trained many students to become professional sumo wrestlers.
Davaaninj told reporters he grew to 1.9m in middle school and that he used to drink a glass of milk a day. Now, he is focusing on putting on more weight.