Cabinet to submit draft action plan to Parliament

2020-08-12 16:55:10

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. At its regular meeting today, August 12, the Cabinet decided to submit a draft parliamentary resolution on ‘Approval of the Action Plan of the Government of Mongolia for 2020-2024’ to the Parliament. The action plan includes policies to overcome the social and economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as human development, economic, green development, governance and capital city, regional and local development policies.

COVID-19. The special policy will be implemented to overcome social and economic difficulties caused by the COVID-19 within a short time.

Human development policy. Optimal policies on health, culture, education, employment and social welfare will be implemented to improve life quality of citizens and expand the middle class. Targets and measures are set to build conditions for every citizen to be healthy, educated, employed and earn income, to reduce unemployment and poverty, and to improve the livelihoods.

Economic policy. The policy directs to strengthen the macro-economic environment, overcome economic difficulties in the medium term, ensure sustainable growth, and develop priority sectors.

Green development policy. The policy focuses on the rational use of natural resources, the reduction of environmental pollution and degradation, and the creation of healthy living conditions for citizens. Conditions will be created to be resilient to environmental and climate change, engage environmentally friendly businesses, protect natural resources, prevent depletion, and use wisely and rehabilitate them.

Governance policy. It focuses on strengthening justice, establishing discipline and order at all levels of the public service, eliminating the red tape, strictly adhering to the principle of non-discrimination in law enforcement, as well as ensuring peaceful and safe living conditions for citizens. Moreover, a ‘Digital Mongolia’ program will be realized to provide public services to the public quickly.

Capital city, regional and local development policy. The policy aims to support regional and local development, improve infrastructure, and develop Ulaanbaatar and its satellite cities into cities with optimal planning and smart solutions.

The government action plan is based on the fundamental principles of improving economic diversification, supporting development of priority sectors through policies, ensuring export growth, as well as maintaining the value-added industrialization policy sustainably for a long period of time. 

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