Umnugobi, Dornogobi aimags to become Green Zone to increase export
VideoPrime Minister L.Oyun-Erdene got acquainted with the immunization progress in Tsagaan Khad, Umnugobi aimag.
As of May 7, over 40,000 people including coal truck drivers, border and customs officers and citizens of residential areas and baghs (smallest administration unit) have received the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine and over 12,000 people have received the second shot.
In Tsagaan Khad customs’ control zone, 9.9 million tons of coal of 28 entities has been remained. Due to the pandemic, mining product export has declined by 47 percent compared to the same period of 2019. Therefore, the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry is aiming to involve workers of mining companies’ in the vaccination actively to raise the coal export, said the Mining Minister.
The PM said that the government has been taking all necessary measures to not cause any disruptions in export. In particular, with supplying PCR machine, domestic military officers are being mobilized at a restriction zone in prevention to mix long-and short-distance coal transportation vehicles.
Ministry of Health was tasked to supply required doses of the vaccine to Umnugobi and Dornogobi aimags in a short period. Moreover, the Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry was obliged to take immediate measures to increase export of mining product. “By doing so, the two aimags are possible to become ‘Green Zone,’ which will enable to run the export normally, said the PM.
The same day, the PM became familiarized with the operation of Gashuunsukhait border checkpoint. As of April 30, over 67,000 vehicles crossed the country’s border, carrying copper concentrate and goods.
Meanwhile, authorities of the border checkpoint presented some proposals to the PM on intensifying renovation and extension works at the checkpoint, connecting Tsagaan Khad residential area with permanent power as well as implementing ‘Green Gateway’ temporary regulation on Mongolia-China border checkpoints. The PM pledged to study the proposals.