Government to announce 30 strategically important enterprises required to be owned by the state
PoliticsUlaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. At the regular Cabinet meeting on November 10, the Ministry of Finance and the Government Agency for Policy Coordination on State Property put forth a suggestion to improve the governance of wholly or partially state-owned enterprises and make structural changes.
Minister of Finance B.Javkhlan said during a press conference, “Discussions are taking place on making structural changes to wholly or partially state-owned enterprises in three ways. Studies are being carried out on making structural changes to strategically important enterprises that are required to be owned by the state, enhancing the governance for certain companies by having them become joint stock companies, and a category for unprofitable state-owned enterprises that are not necessary to be operated by the state. At today’s Cabinet meeting, a presentation was done on strategically important entities that are required to be owned by the state as well as providing them with a stable policy. As this issue will soon be finalized, it is currently planned to announce further structural changes for the enterprises by the end of this year.”
The list of strategically important enterprises that are required to be owned by the state include over 30 companies, such as Erdenet Mining Corporation, Mongolrostsvetmet, ‘Erdenes Tavantolgoi’, ‘Mongol Refinery’, the airport at Khushig Valley, thermal power plants located in the capital city and aimags, and entities in charge of transmitting electricity.