Construction of new pathway for export kicks off

2022-03-11 17:46:19

In the framework of the ‘New Revival Policy’, the construction of railway en route Zuunbayan - Khangi kicked off today on March 11. The railway connection is considered to be of high significance as it will create a new route for imports and exports.

In his remarks, Prime Minister of Mongolia L.Oyun-Erdene noted that underground mining operations recently commenced at Oyu Tolgoi, and highlighted that the construction project for the 226-km railroad connecting Zuunbayan and Khangi - the second large-scale project being implemented in the framework of the ‘New Revival Policy - is kicking off today based on public-private partnership. 


The railway construction work is planned to be completed in a half-year period.

While about 50 percent of core export products of Mongolia, such as copper and coking coal, are exported through the Gashuunsukhait border checkpoint, over 70 percent of consumer goods are imported through the Zamiin-Uud border checkpoint. As the Khangi border checkpoint is geographically located in the middle of Gashuunsukhait and Zamiin-Uud checkpoints, it is of great strategic importance, mentioned the Prime Minister.

By connecting the Khangi-Mandal checkpoint by rail, Mongolia’s capacity to import and export goods is expected to increase by a total of 20 million tons, with the amount of goods being transported by rail increasing by 65 percent.


He then continued on to say, “This month, the 416-km railroad connecting Tavantolgoi and Zuunbayan will be fully put into operation. In the framework of the ‘New Revival Policy’, the Government of Mongolia is ready to partner with investors and entities in a mutually beneficial way.”

The Government of Mongolia currently aims to start the construction work for connecting the border checkpoints of Bichigt, Shiveekhuren, and Artssuuri by rail as soon as possible, and create a 4,000-5,000 km long railway network in the country.
