Digitalization process for customs organization is currently at 80-90 percent
Ahead of the Mongolian Economic Forum 2022, discussions are taking place on six
main topics for the ‘New Revival Policy’
being implemented by the Government of Mongolia.
Deputy Minister of
Finance of Mongolia S. Mungunchimeg was interviewed during the discussion ‘Revival
of Border Ports’ organized on March
Ministry of Finance has announced that it would submit the bill on
Public-Private Partnerships to the Parliament. What other laws related to
business and economy will be revised?
to the preliminary estimation, MNT100-120 trillion will be required to
implement development projects as part of the ‘New
Revival Policy’. Such a large investment in the
projects will be made by the international donors and foreign and domestic
investors based on the partnerships of private sector. Thus, the Ministry is
now ready to submit the bill on public-private partnership as well as the
revised bill on tenders to the Parliament.
reforms have started in our country 2-3 years ago through the projects being
implemented by the World Bank and other international organizations. What is
the progress of the reform as of today?
Currently, the digitalization
process for customs organization runs at 80-90 percent. The operations of the border
professional inspection and customs have been united in order to harmonize
operations of four organizations, eliminate the duplication of functions and
facilitate trade.
for border port development, what works have been made so far?
Construction works
are being carried out at border checkpoints of our country through the soft
loan and non-refundable aid from China. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the
progress of the works has slowed down, thus the construction work at
Zamyn-Uud border checkpoint is currently at 60-70 percent. As for
other border checkpoints bordering Russia, the construction works are being
made with the ADB’s soft loan. Furthermore,
construction works will begin to establish two or three new ports, including
Khangi, to create an export gateway. It will become possible to recover tourism
industry once the pandemic situation eases.