President receives Indian Defense Minister

2022-09-06 16:01:39

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. President of Mongolia and Commander-in-Chief of the Mongolian Armed Forces U.Khurelsukh today received Defense Minister of the Republic of India Rajnath Singh as part of his ongoing visit.

The President expressed satisfaction with the expansion of relations and cooperation with the Republic of India, Mongolia’s important third neighbor, while pointing out that the official visit of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, to Mongolia in 2015, and the ongoing visit of the Defense Minister are important impetus for further development. He also said that there is a full possibility of elevating the strategic partnership between the two countries to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Defense Minister Rajnath Singh expressed that he would actively work to further develop relations and cooperation with Mongolia based on common values.

During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on international and regional issues of mutual interest, as well as relations and cooperation within the spheres of defense, information technology, cyber security, education, aviation, and tourism.

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