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About Mongolia
About Mongolia
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Development projects
National Movements
National Movements
President of Mongolia at the UNGA 79
First National Forum of Mongolian Translators
To the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Germany
Art & Culture
Хөвсгөл аймаг ОХУ-д малын түүхий эд, бүтээгдэхүүн гаргахаар төлөвлөж байна
2023-03-23 14:04:48
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Prime Minister of Mongolia on a Working Visit to the People’s Republic of China
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Mongolian Nomadic Winter Festival to Be Held
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Ice Knucklebone Shooting Amateur Championship Kicks Off
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Mongolian Government Developing a National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
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Mongolian Professional Boxer Tsendbaatar to Fight for WBA Central Asia Lightweight Title
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Mongolian National Team's Extended Lineup for the FIBA Asia Cup 2025 Announced
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Mongolian Cyclists Win Two Silver Medals at the Asian Road Cycling Championships
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Exhibition of Mongol Paintings Depicting Bogdiin Khuree Opens
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Mongolia and Uzbekistan to Open Trade and Economic Representative Offices
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Mongolia to Formulate and Implement the “National Resilience Strategy”
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Mongolia’s “Tourism Week-2025”: Charting the Path for Two Million Annual Visitors by 2030
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National Oncology Center of Mongolia to Begin Robotic Surgeries in August
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Mongolian Junior Judokas Win Three Gold and Two Bronze Medals at the Genoa Cadet European Cup
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Mongolian Skiers Compete at the Asian Winter Games
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Mongolia and Uzbekistan to Open Trade and Economic Representative Offices
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Mongolia Introduces Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Cancer Treatment
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This Week in Mongolia
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“Mongols Depicted in Chronicles” Mughal Painting Special Exhibition Opens
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President of Mongolia Hands Over Letters of Purpose and Motivation to the Recipients of the “President’s Scholar-2100” Scholarship
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First Oil Refinery Plant of Mongolia: Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Contract Signed
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The 10th National “Future to Remember and Proclaim” Karl Popper Debate Competition Commences
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Public Transportation System of Ulaanbaatar City Fully Digitalized
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“The Seven Founding Members" Fund Established
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Mongolia Inaugurates International Year of Quantum Science and Technology
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Pilot Project Improves Livestock Meat Yield and Hide Quality
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Paintings of the Niislel Khuree during the XVIII-XX Centuries to Be Exhibited
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Public Transport System of Ulaanbaatar City Fully Digitalized
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In Preparation for COP17 in Mongolia: “Post-COP: Business and Investment Opportunities” Discussed
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Political Consultative Meeting between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia and Azerbaijan Organized
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Mongolia Wins Three Medals at the Third Stage of the Ice Climbing World Cup
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Mongolia's 2024 Inflation Recorded at 9 Percent
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Provisions of the Draft Law on Supporting Planning, Development, and Promotion of Kharkhorum City
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Artist Tsolmonbayar Opens Solo Exhibition
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This Week in Mongolia
12 days
His Majesty the Emperor of Japan Naruhito and Her Majesty the Empress of Japan Masako Plan to Pay a State Visit to Mongolia
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Deputy Speaker of the Parliament Meets with the ADB Country Director for Mongolia
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Minister of Foreign Affairs Receives Ambassador of Japan to Mongolia
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Mongolia to Participate in Its Second PISA
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Mongolia-Laos Road Transport Corridor Discussed
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Winners of the “Best Mongol Calligrapher - 2024” International Contest Honored
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Scholars Emphasize the Active Expansion of Mongolia's Foreign Relations
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Mongolian Team Participates in the Opening Ceremony of the Harbin 2025 Asian Winter Games
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Mongolia and Uzbekistan to Open Trade and Economic Representative Offices
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Mongolia Introduces Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Cancer Treatment
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This Week in Mongolia
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Number of Tourists Visiting Mongolia Rises by 23 Percent
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General Election Commission of Mongolia Becomes First in Asia to Join Online Platform for Political Finance Transparency
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Mongolia’s “Tourism Week-2025”: Charting the Path for Two Million Annual Visitors by 2030
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Mongolian Skiers Compete at the Asian Winter Games
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Mongolia to Formulate and Implement the “National Resilience Strategy”
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Mongolian Government Developing a National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence and Big Data
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A Glamorous Duo of Mongol and World Classics
Ichinkhorloo Bayarkhuu: The National Library of Mongolia is the Repository of Intellectual Heritage, and Mongol Knowledge and Wisdom
Akim Gotov: Mongol Scholars Stand at the Roots of the Modern Translation Theory
Photostream: Winter in the Taiga
Magical Jarganat River: Unfrozen at -50°C
Best Artworks of 2024 on Display at the National Art Gallery of Mongolia
Mongolia and Uzbekistan to Open Trade and Economic Representative Offices
Public Transportation System of Ulaanbaatar City Fully Digitalized
Winners of the “Best Mongol Calligrapher - 2024” International Contest Honored
Ice Knucklebone Shooting Amateur Championship Kicks Off
Mongolian Professional Boxer Tsendbaatar to Fight for WBA Central Asia Lightweight Title
Mongolian National Team's Extended Lineup for the FIBA Asia Cup 2025 Announced
MONTSAME News Agency, C.P.O Box 1514, B.Jigjidjav St-8, Chingeltei dist, Ulaanbaatar-15160, Mongolia,
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