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About Mongolia
About Mongolia
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Development projects
One Billion Trees
One Billion Trees
President of Mongolia at the UNGA 79
First National Forum of Mongolian Translators
To the 50th Anniversary of Establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and Germany
Art & Culture
Ерөнхий сайд Соёл урлагийн салбарын төлөөлөлтэй уулзлаа
2023-05-29 16:00:18
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This Week in Mongolia
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President of Mongolia Participating in the UN Summit of the Future
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Akim Gotov: Mongol Scholars Stand at the Roots of the Modern Translation Theory
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Batbaatar Sukhbaatar: Standards Are Development Accelerator
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Presidents of Mongolia and Vietnam Hold Official Talks
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Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Plant at Moringiin Davaa Now Operational
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President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam To Lam Visits School No. 14 Named After Ho Chi Minh
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Mongolian Teachers and Health Education Specialists Study the Experience of Japan
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Sodnompiljee Enkhbayar Earns Gold at Asian Classic and Equipped Benchpress Championships
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Prime Minister of Mongolia Pays a Courtesy Call on President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
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Mongolia and the US Hold Dialogue on Investment in Clean and Renewable Energy
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Chairman of State Great Khural of Mongolia Pays a Courtesy Call on President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
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State Visit to Mongolia by President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Concludes
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Fully Equipped Ambulances Delivered to Health Centers in 20 Soums
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Akim Gotov: Mongol Scholars Stand at the Roots of the Modern Translation Theory
Exclusive Interview with President of Slovenia by MONTSAME
Tapan Mishra: Mongolia is a Role Model for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment
Presenting "The Miracle of Craftsmanship"
"KOREA WEEK 2024" Held at Sukhbaatar Square
Japan Festival in Mongolia under the Theme “Dedicating All to the Future”
UN Secretary-General António Guterres Welcomes President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa to the UN General Assembly
President of Mongolia Participates in the UN Summit of the Future
President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa Addresses the Summit of the Future
MONTSAME News Agency, C.P.O Box 1514, B.Jigjidjav St-8, Chingeltei dist, Ulaanbaatar-15160, Mongolia,
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