International Conference of Asian Political Parties Commences Today in Ulaanbaatar
Ulaanbaatar, August 5, 2023 /MONTSAME/. The 6th Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wing and the 7th Meeting of the ICAPP Women’s Wing of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) commenced today in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
At the opening ceremony, Mr. Amarbayasgalan Dashzegve, Minister of Mongolia, Chief Cabinet Secretary, and Secretary General of Mongolian People’s Party, and Chung Eui-yong, Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, made remarks.
Chief Cabinet Secretary D. Amarbayasgalan said, “The ICAPP has effectively fostered mutual understanding among our countries and people by convening leaders of political parties. This gathering, here in Mongolia, holds special significance as it addresses Asia's common opportunities and challenges in the post-pandemic world. The Mongolian People's Party has been actively participating in ICAPP activities since 2004 and has membership in the Standing Committee in 2013. Together, we can build a better world where our citizens thrive in equitable cities with equal opportunities, where human rights are diligently respected, and social justice is upheld and embraced.”
Representatives of 28 political parties from 21 countries are participating in the Meeting, which was postponed twice due to the pandemic. Besides representatives from Asian countries such as Russia, China, South Korea, Turkiye, Vietnam, Laos, Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan, Malaysia, Iraq, Georgia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Bangladesh, political parties’ representatives of Ghana from Africa, and Spain from Europe are taking part in the Meeting.
“It was four years ago when the Mongolian People’s Party first proposed to have the two meetings of the Youth Wing and the Women’s Wing of the ICAPP in Mongolia. But we had to postpone the meetings twice due to the unexpected and unprecedented challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. Young politicians, with their contemporary experiences, formulated by the ever-globalizing world, are in a unique position to provide fresh insights about societal issues that sometimes pass unnoticed. Their capacity to become leaders to guide future generations makes them a vital asset to our efforts to solve the newly emerging challenges for a better world,” said the Chairman of the ICAPP Standing Committee Chung Eui-yong.
The 6th Meeting of the ICAPP Youth Wing is taking place under the theme “Engaging Young People in Social and Political Dialogue for Post-Pandemic Socio-Economic Progress” while the theme of the 7th Meeting of the ICAPP Women’s Wing is “Promoting Women's Leadership to Achieve a Gender-Responsive Post-Pandemic Recovery.”
Furthermore, Honorary Chung Eui-yong noted that “Women are the backbone of the families and crucial to the growth and development of all communities. Their participation in politics is essential for the development of democratic societies. We all know that women should play an integral role in every society. Since its inception in 2000, the ICAPP has maintained sustained peace and shared prosperity as our central goal in all meetings, from the biennial General Assemblies to meetings and activities of affiliated groups.” At the end of the opening remarks, he extended warmest welcome and gratitude to all participants who have come to Ulaanbaatar to participate in today’s conference, which will undoubtedly help the ICAPP community realize their founding vision of achieving sustainable peace and shared prosperity.