Logistics in Food Distribution Discussed

2023-11-13 12:24:09

Ulaanbaatar, November 13, 2023 /MONTSAME. The Governor of the Capital City and the Mayor of Ulaanbaatar Kh. Nyambaatar and relevant officials held a consultative meeting with more than 700 representatives of production, service, food traders and enterprises of the capital.

Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar presented the policy and solutions aimed at reducing traffic congestion, and the Center for Policy Research presented the "Optimal Solution for Transport Logistics." In particular, a proposal to transport food product distribution at night time was made. The representatives of trade and food producers expressed their concern about complications for citizens and enterprises in economic and organizational terms.

"There was a lack of workers during the night distribution in the Covid-19 period. Therefore, night distribution is complicated, and a better solution is creating a regional warehouse. In addition, receiving goods at night may compromise proper storage requirements, negatively impact the health of night workers, and lead to labor shortages. In addition, the exemption of large domestic food industry enterprises from value-added tax increases the tax burden on small and medium-sized enterprises. Overnight delivery is feasible for large chain stores, but it will be difficult for individual entrepreneurs" said the representatives of food traders and enterprises.

Mayor Kh. Nyambaatar noted that the view of the citizens and representatives of enterprises will be reflected in finding the most optimal solution.  

During the meeting, citizens and representatives of enterprises expressed their opinions regarding traffic congestion, organization, land allocation, and bureaucracy. The Mayor stated that a concrete decision would be made based on policy research taking into account the interests of the majority.

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