Performance-Based Bonus for Educational Institutions and Teachers
SocietyUlaanbaatar, January 17, 2024 /MONTSAME/ At today's Cabinet meeting, the Government approved the procedure for financing additional incentives based on the results of the evaluation of the activities of educational institutions and the performance of teachers.
As part of creating a performance- and result-based incentive system at the preschool and general education levels, for the last two years, the activities of kindergartens and secondary and high schools and performance, quality, and results of teachers’ work have been externally evaluated according to unified national criteria.
The Minister of Education and Science, L. Enkh-Amgalan stated that noticeable achievements have been reached as a result of performance-based incentives and involving teachers in training by identifying the needs in teachers' professional development and improving training management.
According to the assessments, the average performance of educational institutions increased from 71.7 percent in 2022 to 74.2 percent in 2023 while the average performance of teachers increased from 72.5 percent in 2022 to 75.7 percent in 2023. Based on the results of teacher performance evaluation, in the academic year of 2022-2023, incentives worth MNT 5,937,825 thousand were provided to 5,937 kindergarten teachers and MNT 31,276,001 thousand to 12,296 secondary school teachers. However, from September to December of 2023, 12,307 secondary school teachers received MNT 16,732,248 thousand, and 6,450 kindergarten teachers received MNT 3.059,991 thousand.
Based on the performance evaluation of educational
institutions, additional funding of MNT 5,389,306 thousand was provided to 378
kindergartens, MNT 10,616,463 thousand to 265 schools in 2022, and additional
funding of MNT 5,884,157 thousand to 396 kindergartens, and MNT 13,942,860 was
provided to 325 schools in 2023.
As the budget required for the additional incentives to be provided
following the newly approved regulations is already reflected in the 2024 state
budget, no additional budget is needed.