General Election Commission and National Human Rights Commission to Collaborate for Ensuring Rights to Vote and to Be Elected

2024-03-04 17:06:04

Ulaanbaatar, March 4, 2024. /MONTSAME/. The General Election Commission of Mongolia has agreed to cooperate with the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) in the areas of ensuring citizens' right to vote and to be elected, preventing violations, and analyzing the implementation. On March 1, 2024, D. Bat-Erdene, Head of the Office of the General Election Commission, and Ts. Adyakhishig, Head of the Office of the National Election Commission of Mongolia, approved the plan to monitor the implementation of the right to vote during the 2024 regular elections of the Great Khural of Mongolia.


Under the plan, a joint team will work during the 2024 regular elections of the State Great Khural to ensure the voting rights of citizens who are working in a place other than their permanent address or living in a foreign country, to exchange news and information on the election organization and progress of elections, to monitor and control the process of mobile voting.


Moreover, the joint team will be responsible for organizing training on the law on the elections of the State Great Khural of Mongolia and related laws and regulations and making proposals for ensuring the rules, regulations, instructions, recommendations, and document forms comply with the principles and norms of human rights.


In addition, the parties agreed to exchange information and make analyses on complaints submitted regarding human rights violations at every stage of the elections.