Essential Health-Related Information to be Available Online by This May
SocietyUlaanbaatar, April 8, 2024 /MONTSAME/. On April 8, 2024, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Digital Development and Communications, and the United Nations Children's Fund jointly convened a National Consultation Meeting "Revival of Government Productivity - Digital Transition in the Health Sector".
Commencing the Consultation Meeting, Uchral Nyam-Osor, the Minister of Digital Development and Communications, said "A Working Group has been established to study and proffer recommendations for augmenting the electronic transition in the health sector and fostering avenues for seamless information exchange among systems. Through collaboration with healthcare software development companies, mechanisms have been established to facilitate real-time integration of a specialized health database, tethered to the principal system ''KHUR,'' thus enabling the transmission of health-related information among healthcare institutions with the consent of citizens. ''Medicine Prescriptions,'' ''Test Results,'' ''Image Diagnosis Conclusions,'' ''Children's Preventive Vaccination Certificate,'' ''Outpatient Card,'' ''Pregnancy Monitoring Guide Card,'' and ''Mother and Child Health Book'' will be transmitted online to the ''E-Mongolia'' system, set to be launched before May 4, 2024. This endeavor not only enables citizens to save time and money but also diminishes bureaucratic hurdles and associated risks," the Minister underscored.
Enkhbold Sereejav, the Vice Minister of Health, expounded on the electronic transition in the health sector, while Pamela Graham Dixon, a Consultant at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, and an Expert of the World Health Organization's Health Cooperation Council, delineated the "E-Health Framework" jointly issued by the WHO and the International Telecommunication Union. Moreover, Bilegdemberel Badamdorj, Head of the Policy Implementation Coordination Department at the Ministry of Digital Development and Communication of Mongolia, delved into "Information Exchange between Sectors," and Ameera Hamid, the International Advisor of the Asian e-Health Association, introduced the "Results of External Evaluation of the Situation of E-Health in Mongolia." The discussions touched upon "Big Data Analysis," "International Best Practices in Telemedicine," "Health Information Security," "Utilization of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare," and "Experiences in Employing Telemedicine to Enhance Diagnosis and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases."