Discussing Ideas on the Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Education
SocietyUlaanbaatar, April 17, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The Ministry of Education and Science of Mongolia is working on a project to develop AI virtual assistants that can help teachers plan lessons, evaluate, and create additional content using artificial intelligence. The aim is to equip every educational institution with high-speed internet, every student with a smart device, and every teacher with a computer.
To carry out this work, Minister L. Enkh-Amgalan met with representatives of information technology and national artificial intelligence developers on April 17, 2024.
At the meeting, Minister Enkh-Amgalan said, "It is important to use the Mongolian language correctly in the platforms and contents developed by national technology companies and to improve the quality and results of education using technological advancements. We can support multi-faceted online learning activities by using digital technology effectively in the development of the education sector."
The meeting was attended by representatives from companies such as Bolorsoft and MLUB, as well as non-governmental organizations. It also included participants from the Ministry of Education, the Education Research Institute, the Education Evaluation Center, the Language and Literature Institute's Council, and language and literature scholars and researchers. They discussed the possibilities of integrating artificial intelligence into education and how to adapt the "large language model" being developed by companies to the education sector.