Construction of Shiveekhuren-Sekhee Cross-Border Railway Completed

2024-05-29 16:12:23

Ulaanbaatar, May 29, 2024 /MONTSAME/. The construction of a 6.9 km railway connecting Mongolia's Shiveekhuren port with China's Sekhee port has been completed.

This railway marks the foundation for the western vertical axis railway of Mongolia in route of Shiveekhuren-Nariinsukhait-Artssuuri, which will be the cross-border railway of the "Economic Corridor" of Mongolia, the Russian Federation, and the People's Republic of China.

Upon the completion of the 6.9 km Shiveehuren-Sekhee port railway infrastructure, a new border crossing will be established exclusively for exporting mining products from the Nariinsukhait coal deposit by railway. This development is expected to increase the throughput capacity of the border port by 10 million tons, decrease transportation costs, improve environmental and labor safety conditions, and create favorable conditions for exports.

The Shiveehuren-Sekhee port railway is of high significance in fostering Mongolia's railway transport sector, broadening the domestic railway network, establishing new border crossings, and putting mining products into economic circulation. The "Nariinsukhait Railway" LLC completed the construction within one year with its funds.