Joint Government Agreement "Courage for Rapid Development" Signed

2024-08-13 10:04:49

Ulaanbaatar, August 13, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Three parties that won the seats in the State Great Khural have concluded a Joint Government Agreement "Courage for Rapid Development." On August 12, 2024, Prime Minister and Chairman of the Mongolian People’s Party Oyun-Erdene Luvsannamsrai, First Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia, Minister of Economy and Development and Chairman of the Democratic Party Gantumur Luvsannyam, and Deputy Prime Minister of Mongolia and Chairman of the National Labour Party (HUN Party) Dorjkhand Togmid signed the Agreement "Courage for Rapid Development.".

Expressing to urgently address development challenges and pressing problems in Mongolia collaboratively and effectively, the Parties reflected in the Agreement common goals included in the platforms of the MPP, DP, and HUN for the 2024 parliamentary elections.

Particularly, the Agreement included social policy reform, regional development policy, corruption-free government and strengthening of justice, e-governance, the further development of major projects and programs that are reflected in the MPP's platform, ensuring human development, protection of private property, securing business and investment environment, and economic freedom, reflected in the DP's election platform, and reforms in the energy the education sectors, renewing policy on foreign trade, investment and government procurement and improving governance of state-owned companies, which reflected in the HUN platform. 

Priorities of the Joint Government will be:

  • Regional Development Policy
  • Human Development Policy
  • Governance Policy cherishing human rights
  • Economic Policy

To effectively implement projects and programs in this context, the Parties agreed to collaborate,  providing all-round support to active partnerships between investors, the private sector, professional associations, civil society, and universities and institutions, ensuring the implementation is based on innovation, scientific achievements, and big data and reflects experts’ recommendations. 

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