Uchral Nyam-Osor: The Government Will Make Decisions Based on Big Data
PoliticsUlaanbaatar, August 21, 2024 /MONTSAME/. At the regular session on August 21, 2024, Head of the Cabinet Secretariat Uchral Nyam-Osor presented the dashboard supporting Big Data-based decision-making and the e-Cabinet 2.0 update.
Countries around the world are implementing policies to increase economic efficiency by creating Big Data repositories, using them for policy formulation and decision-making, and optimizing the use of time, resources, and labor.
In Mongolia, 69 percent of state institutions' databases are used for compiling statistical information, 72 percent for analysis and evaluation, and 39 percent at the decision-making or policy level. These databases are established for common goals such as e-services, monitoring, reporting, and research within the scope of the authorities granted by law.
Information Technology Center of Custom, Taxation. and Finance (ITCCTF) and E-Mongolia are jointly developing an integrated dashboard to consolidate data from specialized databases in real-time, with plans to integrate 24 groups and 254 indicators. Currently, 59 data sets across eight types are ready to be displayed in the e-Cabinet system. These include data on consumer goods prices, tax payments, social welfare types, citizens' purchasing power, export volumes, health services, and state e-services, allowing for analysis and decision-making based on maps displaying data at the aimag, district, and sub-district levels by year, quarter, month, and day.
In 2024, the dashboard supporting Big Data-based decision-making will integrate 17 groups and 105 indicators, and in 2025, eight groups and 89 indicators to provide members of the Cabinet with the data necessary to make informed decisions. Additionally, it will facilitate the transition of the government's performance evaluation system to a digital format based on quantitative indicators.
Following the presentation, relevant officials were instructed to implement an information technology solution that anonymizes restricted data related to individuals and legal entities, ensures the timely transmission and processing of data from other specialized databases, connects the dashboard to the e-Cabinet system, and regularly provides data from the specialized databases established under the law.