This Week in Mongolia

2024-09-16 09:36:00

Ulaanbaatar, September 16, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Summary of events for the week of September 16-22, 2024.

Events in Ulaanbaatar: 

September 17: “Socio-Economic Indicators of Mongolia” press conference will be held.

September 18: Regular session of the Cabinet will be held at the State Palace of Mongolia.

September 18, 19: The “Green Technology-2024” event will be held at Sukhbaatar Square, jointly organized by the Governor’s Office of the Capital City of Mongolia and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change of Mongolia.

September 20: “On the Path Towards the South” movie premiere will be held at the “Corporate Hotel and Convention Center.”

September 21: “No Car Day-2024” will take place in Ulaanbaatar.

September 22: The “National Literary Culture, Book Days-2024” organized under the auspices of President of Mongolia Khurelsukh Ukhnaa under the theme “Let’s Cherish Our National Literary Culture” will conclude. 

Local Events: 

September 19, 20: An expo of high-yielding breeding animals will be held at Khuvsgul aimag.

September 20: A book fair will be held at Khovd aimag.

September 20: The “Khuvsgul Organic Meat, Organic Products, Green Autumn Days-2024” trade fair will be held in Khuvsgul aimag.

September 20: The “Autumn Book Festival-2024” will be held at the Partisan Square in Sukhbaatar City of Selenge Aimag.

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