Urgent Measures Taken to Grow Teaching Workforce

2024-09-20 10:10:51

Ulaanbaatar, September 20, 2024 /MONTSAME/. Minister of Education of Mongolia Naranbayar Purevsuren presented Cabinet Members issues concerning preschools and general education schools, including teacher shortages, on September 18, 2024.


To grow the teaching workforce, the Ministry of Education has planned and begun implementing the following measures in phases:


  1. Engaging teachers who hold teaching qualifications, but are not currently working in the field;
  2. Rehiring retired teachers to work limited hours;
  3. Involving science graduates or students in the 3rd and 4th year of university studies in teaching activities;
  4. Reassigning teachers whose teaching hours do not meet the 19-hour weekly norm to teach similar subjects;
  5. Employing final-year education students to work as trainee teachers;
  6. Increasing the use of online education, particularly in subjects facing teacher shortages. 

The Education Minister noted that starting this school year, the measures to rehire retired teachers and involve final-year education students as trainee teachers are already being implemented.


According to an August 2024 survey, there is a nationwide shortage of 508 preschool teachers and 443 assistant teachers.

In general education schools, 4,292 teachers are needed, particularly in primary education and for subjects such as chemistry, physics, biology, English, and mathematics.



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