Mongolian Children Celebrate World Space Week 2024

2024-10-10 12:01:12

Ulaanbaatar, October 10, 2024 /MONTSAME/. World Space Week, celebrated in over 100 countries around the world, is taking place in Mongolia on October 4-10, 2024, at UG Arena in Ulaanbaatar. 

This year, the event, themed "Space and Climate Change" is being celebrated simultaneously in Ulaanbaatar at the "UG Arena" and in 21 aimags of Mongolia.

With an admission fee of 5,000 tugrugs, visitors can explore Mongolia's only mobile planetarium, send postcards to space, build and launch their own rockets, take an astronaut test, experience zero gravity, master paper airplane making, view a space photography exhibition, fly drones, and learn about satellites and space research from Mongolian engineers.

Visitors will also be able to listen to the sounds recorded on the Golden Record placed aboard Voyager 1. The Golden Record is a phonograph containing messages about life on Earth, the history of humankind, culture, science, and other data. It was launched into space with the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft by NASA in 1977. 

The "Voyager Golden Record," released in honor of Voyager 1's 40th anniversary, is the only one of its kind in Mongolia and is a highlight of "Space Week 2024."
