New Standards to Come into Effect in Ulaanbaatar This Autumn

2025-03-19 09:47:28

Ulaanbaatar, March 19, 2025 /MONTSAME/. The Citizens Representative Khural of the Capital City of Mongolia revised the city's standards to ensure a healthy, safe, and comfortable living environment for citizens, and 16 new standards will come into effect on October 1, 2025.


As of now, 38 standards approved in 2022 and 14 approved in 2023 are in effect.


Senior Specialist in Charge of Urban Standards at the Department of Urban Development and Urban Standards E. Gerelt-Od said, “Legal entities operating in the capital are obliged to comply with the general development plan of the city and urban standards, regardless of their form of ownership. According to the new regulation, “all local administrative organizations of the capital should work to ensure the implementation of urban standards.” Urban standards are implemented at four stages: planning, execution, acceptance, and utilization. For example, in the planning stage, the city standards are reflected in tender documents, from architectural planning to detailed drawings, and the standards are adhered to in the construction phase. We are working with relevant organizations in nine districts to obtain information on construction and other projects to be carried out with budget funds this year, and providing engineers and technicians of the contractor companies with methods for implementing urban standards.”


The new standards include:

-General hygiene and safety requirements of cemeteries

-Requirements for the protection of drinking water sources

-General requirements for wildlife-friendly fences in camping areas and state special protected areas

-Requirements for the creation of ponds, rainwater collection and reuse

-Requirements for the exteriors and interiors of general education school buildings

-Requirements for the exteriors and interiors of preschool educational institutions

-Standard design of energy-efficient residential buildings

-General requirements for the exteriors of children's summer camps

-Guidelines for planning public nursery rooms

-Requirements for insulation, exterior facades, and roofing of residential buildings

-General requirements for passenger lobbies at public transport stops/ stations

-General requirements for planning urban roads

-Requirements for the maintenance of roads and road facilities.