Middle-term strategy for state policy on industry approved

2015-10-06 15:08:55

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ The cabinet meeting on Monday approved a middle-term strategy for state policy on industry and obliged D.Erdenebat, the Minister of Industry, to work out and then adopt a relevant plan.

The main aims of the strategy are to protect the national productions, to support export by processing raw materials home and introducing progressive technologies, and to promote the import substitution industrialization.

Other obligations were given to other Ministers, to heads of agencies, the UB Mayor and governors of aimags, to to realize the strategy in their localities. In addition, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Industry were ordered to place capital in annual state and localities' budgets for realizing the strategy and to reflect its goals and measures in annual basic guidelines for social-economic development.

It will be implemented with a help of domestic and foreign investments as well.


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