11 New Ministers take their offices and seals

2016-07-25 11:10:46

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ State Great Khural (Parliament), on the plenary meetings of July 22 and 23, appointed 11 new members of cabinet. The MPP Board withdrew 4 nominees to offices of ministers of Construction and Urban Development, Food, Agriculture and Light Industry, Health and of Energy.

As per the decision, U.Khurelsukh was appointed Deputy Prime Minister, J.Monkhbat -- Chief of Cabinet Secretariat, B.Choijilsuren -- Minister of Finance, N.Nomtoibayar – Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, B.Bat-Erdene – Minister of Defense, Ts.Monkh-Orgil – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ts.Oyunkhorol- Minister of the Environment and Tourism, S.Byambatsogt –Minister of Justice and Domestics Affairs, Ts.Dashdorj – Minister of Mining and Heavy Industry, D.Ganbat – Minister of Road and Transport Development, and J.Batsuuri – Minister of Education, Culture, Sciences and Sports.

The appointed Ministers solemnly received ministerial seals last weekend.

The Parliament could not finalize the appointment of the remaining 4 ministers, due to the conclusion of the Corruption Combating Agency (CCA) on the conflict of interests of the MPP-nominated candidates.

The leaders of ruling power – MPP – have accepted the CCA’s conclusion and decided to re-consider the nominations on the following meetings. 

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