Bogd Khan's Red Palace and its Contested History exhibition to take place

Art & Culture
2017-05-17 15:42:57
Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ On the occasion of the International Museum Day, the “Bogd Khan Palace Museum” is planning to open an exhibition under the theme “The Bogd Khan’s Red Palace and its Contested History”. The opening ceremony will be held at the Bogd Khan Palace Museum, in the Ceremonial Square in front of the Peace and Happiness Gate on May 18, tomorrow. 

Since its creation in 1977, the International Museum Day has gained increasing attention and is now being held each year on May 18 and Mongolia has started celebrating the day since 1998. Coordinated by the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the event highlights a specific theme that changes every year and the theme chosen for 2017 is “Museums and contested histories: Saying the unspeakable in Museums”.

During the event, Bogd Khan Palace Museum is planning to promote the history of Khastain Laurin a.k.a Red Palace, one of the four palaces of Bogd Khaan. 

Bogd Khaan Winter Palace is the only one left from original four residences of the eight Jebtsundamba Khutuktu. Also known as “Khastain Laurin” and “Khalaastiin Palace”, the palace was built near the Tuul River in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. After Bogd Khan’s death, the ownership of the palace went to the Party Institute in 1924 and most of the buildings have been destroyed since then. “The Bogd Khaan’s Red Palace and its Contested History” exhibition will present the comparison of the past and present of the Red Palace.

With an aim of safekeeping historic and cultural site, the exhibition is being co-organized by Aroma LLC, Wine & Canvas event, Mongolian State University of Arts and Culture, Mongolian University of Science and Technology and Ikh Zasag International University.
