Young artists making circus tour

Art & Culture
2017-09-26 09:42:06
Dundgobi /MONTSAME/ Young circus artists of the Mandalgobi-Circus club under the Tengeriin temdeg (Mark of Sky) children theater in Dudgobi aimag started a circus tour in some soums of the aimag and neighboring Umnugobi aimag.

A circus artist D.Munkhbaatar founded the "Mandalgobi-Circus" club and it is running for the second year. Over 20 children aged 6-15 years are engaged in several circus classes such as contortion, juggler, acrobatics with rope and single wheel. They are the first circus performers in Dundgobi province and have gained success over the two years, wining a prize in a national competition and having own fans.

The tour aims to promote circus among rural children, how young artists have developing their talents and skills. Moreover the Third National Festival of Young Circus Artists is going to take place soon in Mandalgobi  soum, center of Dundgobi aimag and the tour will be a preparation training for the festival.