1200 electric buses to be introduced into public transportation

2019-01-30 20:19:18

Ulaanbaatar/MONTSAME/ At the Cabinet meeting on January 30, G.Zandanshatar, Head of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government,  introduced a project ‘Development of eco-friendly public transportation with unified smart system’.

Within the project, the Cabinet backed to introduce electric buses: 1200 for public transport service and 250 for child transportation. In connection, it is planned to establish unified control center with smart system and four international standard bus depots and modernize three bus depots of ‘Passenger transport service’ public-owned company.

The project worth MNT854 billion will be implemented under concession. The use of electric buses in public transportation service of the city will decrease greenhouse gas, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfuric gas and dusts being produced by 1046 buses and improve air quality in the city.


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