Police warn against spreading fake news and online scammers
SocietyUlaanbaatar /MONTSAME/. Due to the ongoing coronavirus crisis, the police are probing 25 cases of spreading fake news online and online shopping scamming of protective face masks.
As the Ministry of Health has been constantly urging the public to wear face masks in public since late January, people continue to make online and in-store purchases of face masks despite its increased price.
The Police Department today at the daily briefing of the Ministry of Health informed that they have received several scam cases where people had been cheated of money while trying to purchase face masks online to protect themselves or to resell the masks.
For instance, a man lost MNT 8.4 million to a person in China, who offered him a large amount of face masks over the internet. Also, two people transferred MNT 117 million to a bank account in Germany with the intention of buying face masks in bulk after seeing an online ad and did not hear back.
Therefore, the police department encouraged the public to thoroughly check the websites or social platforms they are ordering products from.