Education, Sanitary, and Food packages to the most vulnerable children
SocietyUlaanbaatar/MONTSAME/. The European Union, the Swiss Agency
for Development and Cooperation, and World Vision are providing Education,
Sanitary, and Food packages to the most vulnerable children and their families
affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) impact in Ulaanbaatar and Selenge.
The aid includes Education, Sanitary, and Food packages and
it will be provided to vulnerable children and their families in 7th, 11th and
12th khoroos in Songinokhairkhan District of Ulaanbaatar and in Selenge
province. A total of 250 households will be receiving this aid, including 500
children. Case management response (rehabilitation, legal, medical services) to
children exposed to sexual violence is also increased provided by Beautiful
Hearts NGO.
“The European Union expresses its solidarity with everyone
affected by the COVID-19 crisis in Mongolia. At these moments we need to ensure
that we leave no one behind, and that we support vulnerable children and their
families that are most affected,” said European Union Ambassador to
Mongolia H.E. Traian Hristea.
The European Union Ambassador to Mongolia, H.E. Traian
Hristea, participated in one of the house-to-house distribution of packages in
the 7th khoroo of Songinokhairkhan district on 24 April. He also met with
the Governor of Songinokhairkhan, Mr Sandarsuren Jigjidsuren and the Governor
of the 7th khoroo, Mr. Khosbayar Damba.
“Time’s up for sexual violence against children” grant
project supported by the European Union and Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation, and implemented by World Vision, is redirecting part of the
project funds to provide emergency response aid to the most vulnerable children
and their families affected by the COVID-19 (coronavirus) impact.
The grant project “Time’s up for sexual violence against
children” supported by the European Union and Swiss Agency for Development and
Cooperation, and implemented by World Vision, was launched in the beginning for
2020. The main objective of the project is to strengthen Mongolian civil
society to have better capacities to contribute to the prevention of sexual
violence against most vulnerable children and strengthen protection measures to
safeguard their Human Rights through stronger skills and linkages.
Source: EU Delegation
to Mongolia